18 Mei 2015

Fire protection is the most important aspect is in the fire protection program. Good planning in fire prevention activities will be able to save billions of dollars and the lives of human beings due to wag. One of the main causes of the occurrence of fire on a wide range of industries are unsafe actions or conditions the environment is not good. By correcting the unsafe actions and the conditions of work environment then causes the occurrence of fires can be reduced.

Fire Protection Program requires investment both fire equipment, fire personnel, time and other costs that are large enough for company, however this can be in the justification by showing evidence of the loss caused by the fires. Investments that are cultivated for fire prevention program is much smaller when compared to the losses that can occur as a result of the fire.

INDO FIREX 2015 Expo & Forum will display latest technological advancements of equipments, materials, services and techniques in the Fire Protection, Rescue, Safety and Health sectors. It provides opportunities to overseas exhibitors to interact with local entrepreneurs for joint ventures, transfer of technologies and make new business contacts.

INDO FIREX 2015 - Indonesia’s No. 1 Fire Protection, Rescue, Safety, and Health Industry
Event will be held from 27 - 29 May 2015
Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Make sure you don't miss out on a prime position at May 2015 show by reserving your space TODAY!
Contact us at Tel: 62-21 8644756/85, Fax: 62-21 8650963 or E-mail:

More info about this seminar : download here
Floor plan info : download here

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